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Thursday, May 03, 2007
Think about how you would feel if someone were to use your ideas and claim that they are their own. Does angry top the list? Does cheated feel about right? I am sorry to say that it has become commonplace across the internet and the poker world is no exception. There are a million poker sites that are popping up and what I see over and over again is the same information regurgitated for the loyals of that particular site. Where is the new content? Where is the innovation? There are thousands of untapped ideas in poker out there. Why would anyone concentrate on something that has already been done?

Those who do it over and over again say that blogs, photo galleries, news feeds etc… are commonplace on poker sites. I don’t buy that answer. On one hand they are correct but isn’t it better to bring a little originality to those same things or better yet come up with something original all together? Any idiot can redo and copy an idea or outright plagiarize content. You don’t need to be an internet genius or a web designer to do it. All you need is someone on the inside to get insight and details as to how it is being done.

I hear many times about what others are doing and think to myself “I can do that too.” But where is the fun in that? Most times the destination is not the most interesting or the most fun part of the journey. It is the journey itself. The finding, the working, even the mistakes we make along the way are what makes the end result the most satisfying. If it were easy there would be a hell of a lot more advancement in a lot more areas. Just because it's easy, does not mean it’s acceptable.

I'm not sure I understand why people do this. Maybe the stakes don't seem high enough to discourage stealing ideas and content. After all it is only poker. I also realize that people are crunched for time. It is easy to fall back and look at what has worked for others instead of opening up our minds and rolling up our sleeves to really work a project and really make it our own. Newer sites and even the older ones who are falling into the copying rut need to force themselves. Look around you…is poker right now all it ever can be? Sponsors and investors willing to come into poker right now are few and far between and until someone comes up with and acts on new ventures it will remain that way

The CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz said” The best ideas are those that create a new mind-set or sense a need before others do." I believe he is right on the money and the success of the Starbucks Chain says he does. While Starbucks did not create coffee, they perfected the atmosphere and leapt on the need for shops like Starbucks.
No one is flattered to have ideas stolen so the old adage “imitation is the best form of flattery” is crap. It is at best immoral and sneaky. If you cannot make your ideas work for you or do not have the wherewithal to come up with new ideas yourself, you probably need to rework what you are doing.. Notice I said the word “work.” It takes work to be creative and to make those ideas into a reality that others can relate to and join in.

This makes me think of movies and music…the original is always the best. Redoing the same thing appears just as it is … not the original. The same applies to the internet and poker… the original is always the best.
posted by zupko2001 @ 3:45:00 PM  
  • At May 03, 2007 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great post and I couldn't agree more!

  • At May 05, 2007 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks Anon. I just feel that if you are going to make a go at something, it needs to be original and exciting. Otherwise its not worth the time.

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