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Time to Play Poker
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Well, I have cleaned out the closet; I have worked on my list of little annoyances and have managed to get it down to very few. Those that are left there is not much I can do about them except learn to manage them a bit better. Now it is down to fixing my poker game. There are some big holes in there and boy do they need fixing.

It has been a long time since I believed that stupidity is a virtue at the poker table. My game has gone well beyond that...but lately the results are not much different. I am not winning...I am not succeeding in what should be "old hat" by now. Stupidity of the all in is starting to become an appealing diversion.

I decided to first start with a list of what is wrong with my game…maybe in writing it down a bolt of lightening will strike and something will make sense. Then again maybe I will make my list and work by reading and practicing and my game will at the very least improve.

    1. Inertia: When my cards go dead, I play dead. I never believe this is happening to me and I wait and I wait all the while swearing there will be some divine intervention to save my sorry butt at any moment. That rescue never comes.
    2. Bad Beats: When I take a bad beat I don’t get outwardly angry. Sometimes I don’t even realize I am angry or that it is bothering me. I use it as an excuse. I always feel the game is lost on that one hand.
    3. Making Assumptions but failing to test them for accuracy: I make fairly good judgments of people at the tables. I am quick to know who the bully is, who the calling station is and who thinks he is a pro. The problem comes in when I do nothing to test my accuracy.
    4. Being Right: I know I am making the “right” plays. But the right way isn’t always the winning way. I am always rationalizing what I did or didn’t do. “I made the right lay down.” “I made the right call.”
    5. Strategy: I don’t always have a strategy when I play. I just sit to play poker. I know that is not the right attitude just need to figure out how to change it.

I am sure there are more than just these five issues. But these are the biggies. I am tired of witnessing my own dismemberment at the tables. No more whining about bad luck and bad timing. Time to get my proverbial act together and start playing poker.
posted by zupko2001 @ 11:46:00 PM  
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