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Saturday, February 03, 2007
Women's Poker Night
The Book

A while ago Maryann was approached by a publisher to put together a book of stories by women who play poker. They were looking for stories from some of the professionals as well as some amatuers that would center around poker but not necessarily be a poker "guide" of strategies and what is in the mainstream for poker books. It was a great opportunity for her and naturally she accepted.

I was working like crazy at that time. The hours I put in at my other job ranged from 50-60 hours per week. Plus home plus kids. She suggested that if I had the time she would love to include me but she understood that the demands on my time were very heavy. I told her that if she ran into a jam to let me know and I would try here and there to at least start something. She eventually called in a harried state and told me two of the authors had to back out due to other commitments. We crammed names like crazy looking for someone who could come up with something respectable in very little time. The publisher wanted the first draft with in the next two days.

I told her to give me over night and I would see if I could come up with anything that resembled a story about women in poker. Anyone who writes for a living can attest to the fact that sometimes writing is very easy and the ideas just come....other times it can be a nightmare especially when it comes to crunch time. Your mind freezes and all the ideas you had rushing around your head just seem to vanish. It seems that your mind sees "deadline" and the imagination runs for the hills.

My first thought was to write about Womens Poker Club. I have had several live meetings with many of the members . The group of us could play and talk strategies and analysis and the state of the poker world for hours....and believe me we have. There are a million stories in those live meetings. But, someone had already written about the club and what it means to play live for the first time etc... There was no way the publisher would allow more than one. It would be overkill no matter how great the group is.

Alot of times if I have a block of any sort when I write. I just start writing. I write ideas about everything related to the subject. It might be one sentence about one thing and two about another. I just type and hope that something in there sparks. All of a sudden I realized that not only had I produced the amount of words that they wanted per chapter but it made sense. And on top of that, I was in time for the deadline! Which Maryann can tell you almost NEVER happens.

Off the chapter went to the publisher. I didn't give it much thought after that. Between WPC, Woman Poker Player and all the other fun stuff in between I lost sight of it I guess. UNTIL the advanced copy arrived at my door. I went crazy when it came. I am not only published in a Magazine, I am published in a real book! By my own thinking this makes me a real author! Me! I never thought that I would ever do anything of significance that would be grouped with such accomplished poker authors like Amy Calestri and Barbar Connors. I have the book sitting on my desk and every time I look at it I have to pinch myself to make sure that it is real!

The most unbelievable thing is that the day of release Women's Poker Night was sold out on Amazon. It is already set for reprint. So not only am I a published author, people are reading it! The feed back so far has been great! Anyone looking to order can go to the links section of my blog and order from Amazon. It can also be found in book stores across the U.S.

posted by zupko2001 @ 8:24:00 AM  
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