Zupkos life

All about the life of a woman poker player.

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Saturday, February 03, 2007
Vegas Baby!!

It has finally happened; Woman Poker Player is sponsoring our very first live tournament in conjuction with the Ultimate Poker Challenge . So off I am to Vegas in less than a week. I cannot believe that it is here already. It seems like yesterday I was debating on whether or not I should go and all of a sudden its here!!! This will be my first trip to Vegas and I am looking forward to meeting the group from WPC as well as all the other women who are coming out to play!!

The big question is....what am I going to pack? I've started, well kind of. I have the basics packed like toothbrush and hair stuff. But I haven't even begun the parade of the closet yet. I tend to be a bit of a pain in the butt when it comes to packing. I can easily pick out what I NEED to wear but what I will WANT to wear when I am there is another story. If I were just playing poker and hanging out with the girls it would be pretty easy. But we've got a few meetings set up on the strip and a trip to Hold 'em radio planned so I need dressier clothes than I would just play poker in.

Well...........off to pack!!

posted by zupko2001 @ 11:03:00 PM  
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